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Kelsey's Road to Nationals

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My name is Kelsey Watkins. I am a 13 year old 7th grader from Stockton, CA, training out of Elevate Gymnastics Academy in Elk Grove, CA. When I am not at school, I spend my time in the gym, 24 hours a week, to perfect my form and learn all my new skills for the upcoming season. I have been in gymnastics since I was 8 1/2 months old. It is truly what I love to do.

I am looking for support to help me in my upcoming season. I recently completed my 4th competition season where I won my spot on the Nor Cal All Star Team for Region 1 Championships in Chandler, Arizona. At Regionals, I placed 1st on Rings, 2nd on High Bar and 3rd on Parallel Bars among some of the best in the sport. Getting a spot on All Stars was my main goal last season, and now I'm preparing for a place to Nationals next season where I will be competing Level 9. All funds raised will go directly towards competition fees, travel expenses, gear and also summer training. I appreciate you taking the time to get to know me, and being an intergral part of my success.



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